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Junior Middle School Ideological And Moral Open Teaching Research

Posted on:2015-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X YuanFull Text:PDF
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This paper carries out a systematic analysis of the open teaching system of ideologicaland moral education, combing the nature of ideological and moral education and thecharacteristics of junior high school students. The traditional ideological and moral educationof junior middle school is closed, which pays excessive attention on passive reception,mechanical drills, and mechanical memorizing, results in students’ lack of innovation andpractical ability and poor problem identifying and solving abilities. Nevertheless, openteaching aims to improve students’ overall quality. It provides a liberal learning environmentfor students’ active learning so that they can fulfill their potential. Education reform takes thetraining of students’ enthusiasm, willingness and creativity as its purposes. It enables studentsacquire the ability to learn, to cooperate with each other, to observe the society, to apply whatthey learn, and to lead an examined life. It also encourages the students to take theconcentration on learning, ability training and emotional attitude so as to implement the corevalues of socialism in daily life. The thesis holds that open teaching is an efficient means forachieving the goal of new curriculum concept. In order to conduct a profound study on theopen teaching model, the thesis explores the aspects of both theory and practice.The research adopts the methodology of comparison of literature and comparativeanalysis. Considering the characteristics of junior high school students and ideological andmoral education, the study investigates both the theory and applications of the open teachingmodel of ideological and moral education in junior high school.First, the discussion on the open teaching course of Ideological and moral theory, Itmade a definition on the concept of open class teaching junior of middle school thought moralcharacter and that Describes the characteristics of junior high school ideological and morallesson is subjective, dynamic and effectiveness. Make the education theory of Dewey, TaoXingzhi’s life education theory as the basic concept and theory of Ideological and moralcurriculum as the theoretical basis to discuss the theoretical basis of junior high schoolideological and moral lesson.Second, the necessity and principle of the open teaching of the junior middle schoolthought moral qualities lesson. Necessity: the nature of ideology and morality course requirements, the development needs of students’ Ideological and moral lesson, improving theteaching attraction, appeal and effectiveness. Principle: innovative principle, the principle ofintegrating theory with practice, the principle of moderation.Third, the implementation strategy of ideological and moral opening teaching in juniormiddle school is the important part of this text. It is discussed from six parts combined withteaching practice: opening teaching goal; opening teaching content; opening teachingorganization form; opening teaching method; opening teaching method; opening teachingspace and time; opening teaching evaluation. It discusses the implementation strategycombined with the ideological and moral teaching materials in junior middle school, at thesame time, presenting the solutions to the encountered and possible problems in the process ofthe implementation.In a word, on the view of teaching, opening teaching not only attends the basicknowledge, but also pays more attention to cultivate the students’ ability, especially the abilityof autonomic learning and the cultivation of creative thinking ability; For the view of teachersand students, it has changed the roles of them. Students are the master of learning activities,they are participants, observers, the discussers, communicators and guessers of classroomactivities; While, teachers are the director of teaching activities, they are organizers,conductors, researchers of classroom activities. The opening teaching not only advocatesestablishing students’ principle role during the active learning, but also emphasizes theteachers’ leading role. It requires democratic, equal, cooperative new relationship betweenteachers and students during the teaching, so that making the further opening of classroomteaching and be beneficial to cultivate the students’ innovation consciousness and innovationspirit.
Keywords/Search Tags:open teaching curriculum idea, ideological and moral, implementation strategy
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