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Effects Of Policy On College Students’ Autonomous Ability Of Personnel Training In Universities

Posted on:2015-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428966750Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the popularization of higher education stage, social requirement for talentstraining in colleges has become higher, the comprehensive ability of college studentshave a higher level of demand. The traditional talent cultivation in colleges restrictedby its own development conditions, problems have become more prominent, the talenttraining philosophy, training objectives and teaching methods can not meet the needsof current students’ various ability development. To some extent, it restricted thecultivation of university students’ autonomous ability. University personnel trainingpolicy about talent training quality of high-low, related to the cultivation of universitystudent autonomy ability, directly affect the development of higher education in Chinaand even the whole society. Therefore, improve the training policy to improve thestudents’ autonomous ability of college talent, culture can meet the demand of societyhas become an important problem which should be paid attention to in Colleges andUniversities.Effects of policy on College Students’ autonomous ability training in Colleges,has the extremely important theoretical significance and practical significance. Toimprove the students’ autonomous ability is the premise of a college students, areasonable perfect college talent training policy is to cultivate various ability andensure necessary to promote the development of College students. Through thequestionnaire survey and Analysis on the part of college students, the results showthat most students think that the existing in training theory from practice, singleteaching method, ignoring the personality training, the training target is notreasonable and extracurricular education problems, seriously affect the cultivation ofcollege students’ autonomous ability. According to the talent for specific researchcombined with the actual survey training policy, analysis the main factors whichrestricting students’ autonomous ability, trying to find a breakthrough, in order toimprove the university personnel training policy. Mainly from the concept of talenttraining and the training manner, first of all, emphasize should establish the teachingidea of take the student as this, establish the subject status of students, cultivatestudents with happiness and responsibility; Secondly, advocating personalizededucation, change teaching methods, in order to realize the college students’personality combined with comprehensive development; Thirdly, to promoteharmonious teaching, pay attention to play to students’ learning autonomy, diversified evaluation was carried out to cultivate students’ independence; Finally, enrich theteaching content and conduct discussion-based teaching, heuristic teaching,cultivating students’ innovative ability in the inheritance of traditional culture at thesame time, so as to cultivate college students’ personality, independence, innovationand democratic consciousness, and realize the purpose of improving college students’autonomous ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Education policy, Talent cultivation, Autonomous ability
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