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Undergraduate Arts Majoy Construction Research

Posted on:2015-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428472388Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The professional education of universities is to cultivate all kinds of professional talents, at the same time, there is a great demand for professional talents in society. Therefore, there is a relationship between supply and demand, major become the relationship between university and social. Major construction is an important link in the development of higher education, and it is also the basic work of the talent training. Arts majors has its own characteristics, how to be more active, more effective and more optimized to have professional construction, making the arts major talents to meet the needs of social employment, is undoubtedly study that the higher education should be make.Based on the H university employment situation and the situation of arts major construction, have a reflection in the construction of Arts majors, which is existing problems and put forward some countermeasures. Problems include three aspects: the liberal arts talent supply structure is not in conformity with the social demand, liberal arts majors teaching content is not adapt to the needs of society, arts training mode lacks flexibility. The cause of these problems are various, this article mainly discuss from three dimensions:the demand of the social and economic for liberal arts telents is change, undergraduate liberal arts majors construction mechanism of the rigid and the society opinion is conservative. Finally put forward to enhance the education ideas to be a guidance, take a course reform as the foothold, make a system transformation as the power source, have a multi-dimensional evaluation mechanism to ensure the undergraduate Arts major good. Promotion of education concept includes the localization of general education idea and the combination of professional curriculum concept. Curriculum reform is including a integration courses under the background knowledge explosion, a characteristic course combined with the advantage of regional economy and the character of school, a diversification course to adapt to the independent development of the liberal arts talents. System transformation is change from unified professional Settings to specialty setting, from following Settings to the prospective professional Settings, from passive to active self managemeny to possitive management. To establish a multi-dimensional evaluation mechanism:we need a multi-dimensional subject evaluation, and a multidimensional standards evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:the liberal arts major, major construction, employment situation
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