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A Preliminary Study Of The Impact Of Special Education School Physical Education With Students’ Personality Development

Posted on:2014-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425961352Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Content:Physical education is an important part of the special education and physical education activities in special education, sports teaching activities widely carried out, not only to cultivate their interest in sports, an important means to establish the correct values of sport and participation in sports activities, and can improve their overall quality, to help them self-reliance, self-reliance. The Special Physical education goal is to master the basic method of exercise and have good personal hygiene habits, physical fitness, health standards are rising.Initial grasp of the basic training methods to compensate for their own shortcomings, the rehabilitation of a certain degree of physical and mental defects. Thus, the sports status and plays an important role in the special education.In this paper, literature, questionnaires, interviews, and mathematical statistics, field trips method Investigation and analysis of Wuhan City and its surrounding part of city’s special education school leaders, teachers and students.According to lead to a special education school physical education lack of aspects, and confirmed by the questionnaire of EPQ_C scale organize and sports special education schools there are:sports special education schools stress, tension, mood, depression has a positive effect; Sport for special education schools students socialization process, learn better competition, cooperation, communication, etc.; sports special education schools students will; through sports, special education school students’ self-concept and self-the ability to control the development of self-management skills has also been improved; sport fast, accurate and perfect, to improve students’ability to focus attention and reaction acumen; promote emotional stability, the formation of a sound psychological.In accordance with the conclusions of the research status quo is the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions:to change teaching point of view, attention to special students personality development; promote special school curricula and teaching materials system, writing a unified and standard psychology textbook; discover new class extracurricular physical exercise form and content to stimulate the motivation and enthusiasm of the extra-curricular sports activities; teaching at different levels to meet the physical and psychological needs of special groups of students; teaching is necessary to strengthen the transmission of knowledge and promotion of physical health and mental health; developed in accordance with the personality characteristics of the different groups of students exercise prescription.
Keywords/Search Tags:special school, physical education, personality development, impact
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