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Professional Research Career Guidance Teacher American University

Posted on:2014-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425953787Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Working is a necessary tool which was used by graduates to achieve self and social values. The biggest problem with which graduates confronted is the employment. Teachers for Career guidance are playing a more pivotal role in the relationship between students and job opportunities. Currently, Career Guidance in China is reforming in practice. Compared with the relevant mechanism in developed countries, there is a big gap in many aspects, especially in terms of funds, equipment, environment and team building. This research focuses on the professional development of career guidance teachers by analyzing the professional development process and standards for teachers in American Universities and combining with the problems and deficiencies existing in China. Finally, according to the findings in the analysis above, strategies are put forward, aiming at the professional career guidance teachers in Chinese universities. The research framework as follows:The first part is the introduction to the related concept, and introduces the origin, the purpose, the methods and the significance of the research. Finally, my paper discusses the innovation of the research.On the second part, the research introduced the generation and professional development of American university career guidance teachers. They start from scratch, and then become professional. They were Part-time and unstable first. From mass unemployment caused by the U.S. economic crisis in the1930s and thus employment management, the government Increasing emphasis on vocational guidance. Later career guidance theory development and the application of a variety of measurement tools promote effectively the scientific and professional career guidance. With the development of career guidance in colleges and universities subject, training a large number of vocational guidance staff, college career guidance teacher’s specialization has made adequate preparations. Meanwhile, the United States Association for career guidance has had a great impact on teachers’professional development.The third part of the paper elaborates the specialization and professional standards of the American University of vocation guidance teachers. Professional university career guidance teachers should have professional knowledge and skills, and also the professional ethics and service concept. Moreover, they should have the professional rights and legal organizations. In order to promote career guidance teachers and obtain long-term development, it’s necessary to have a Professional standard. Then develop a professional, world-class level career guidance team.The fourth part analyzes the current specialization situation of China’s career guidance personnel, including then specialization status of the teachers, the standards, and the accreditation, the industry, the subjects and course.The last part reveal the driving force on the professional development of teachers of the University of career guidance from the four angles of the strength of the Sino-US government, society, universities, individuals. And then analyze the advantages of the United States, and the inadequacies of ours, to provide a positive reference on improving employment instructor access standards, the development of performance evaluation appraisal system, the training system, the organization building, the establishment of disciplines and curriculum, and financial input and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:university teachers for career guidance, professional development, American
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