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An Empirical Study Of College Students’ Social Responsibility

Posted on:2014-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401971514Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thirty-four years of reform and opening up, Social upheaval brought great changes of thought, especially in such a special group of contemporary college students, the social impact should not be ignored. Students began substances, self-centered, personal conducive to greater than all values, in orderto strengthen the ideological education of collegestudents, especially the sense of social responsibility education, the CPC Central Committee, and in2004released the16th file "CPC Central Committee and the State Council onFurther views on strengthening and improving the ideological and political education of college students ": In order to ensure the worthy successors of the socialist prosperity anddevelopment, we must strengthen the ideological education of college students, and the students a correct understanding of the laws of social development, recognizing the country’s future and destiny, awareness of their social responsibility. The strength of a sense of responsibility related to the future development of a country, so as to strengthen the students a sense of social responsibility to become our problems to be solved.The basis of previous studies, the first, from college students a sense of social responsibility concept, content and the development of the psychological process of starting to build college students a sense of social responsibility rating scale, and this scale reliabilityand validity analysis. Second, determine its credibility and effectiveness, developed twoquestionnaires, one for students and one for social workers. Subsequently,500students offive colleges in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and a random sample of100community research. Finally, organize the survey data, statistics, analysis and identify the problems of college students in the area of social responsibility. Overall, the test results of the college students a sense of social responsibility in the middle and upper levels; rate assessment test scores on college students a sense of social responsibility from the individuals itself andthe outside world can be seen, both the results of the evaluation is consistent, but the social evaluation scores than their own evaluation of low; view from the score and the rate ofcollege students a sense of social responsibility have some limitations, they confined themselves, their families and closely related with their responsibility, while ignoring the long-term responsibility. Have a certain understanding of the status of college students ’senseof social responsibility, Internal and External Factors Analysis to identify the reasons forthe weakening of Students’ Social Responsibility. And proposed the corresponding countermeasures: First, deepen college students responsibility Cognitive; to stimulate emotionalStudents’ Social Responsibility; promote responsible behavior of college students produce;Strengthen the social responsible behavior, Ultimately achieve the purpose of students’social responsibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, social responsibility, assessment
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