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Research On Junior Middle School Students’School Choice In Hulunbuir

Posted on:2013-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330395966615Subject:Education management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue on junior middle school students’ school choice arouses the governments, societies and scholars’ concern and attention at home and abroad. Governments implement a series of education reforms and introduced a series of related policies to solve the issue.The literature study showed that the foreign policy to solve the problem of school choice has gone through the process of change from the prohibiting of school choice to encouraging school choice. We can learn from the idea to solve the problem of school choice:the government only requires the students to receive a good education, public and private schools coexist. The government pays tuition for children from poor families and especially all tuition for particularly poor students in order to ensure the basic education. Some scholars showed that changes of this kind of education decision-making by the theory of the education market. Since the1980s, the marketing education theory has a significant impact on educational reforms. China’s educational resource allocation is not balanced because of historical reasons, so there are symmetric key schools and non-key schools. There are a great difference between these two types of schools in terms of educational hardware and software. People’s living standard is improving since the reform and opening up. The basic national policy of family planning education in China make the educational objects enter the one-child stage, people demand quality education market which is growing, students choosing schools provide markets for key schools. The phenomenon such as choosing school by means of right and money in order to pursue economic benefits emerges in endlessly.In recent years, with the popularity of higher education in China, people clearly recognize the reality that high educational experience and academic title can change the fate, which causes competition of junior middle school students’ school choice in Hulunbuir is increasingly intense, makes the problem become worse, and has a serious impact on educational fairness. Through a survey of relevant literature, there is less research on junior middle school students’school choice in poor border area provinces and areas inhabited by the minority nationalities, so it is necessary to research on junior middle school students’school choice in Hulunbuir. This research found there are similarities and characteristics about junior middle school students’school choice in different areas of Hulunbeier through random interviews on junior middle school teachers in the agricultural areas, forest areas, and agricultural areas of Hulunbeier on the basis of conducting a questionnaire survey on junior middle school students’ patriarch and teachers. This research makes proposals for solving the problem of junior middle school students’school choice in order to provide decision-making services to solve the problem of junior middle school students’ school choice for local government and educational administration departments. It also offers samples materials from backward areas, border areas and territory of nationality for domestic scholars researching on junior middle school’students’school choice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hulunbuir, junior middle school students’ school choice, research
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