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The Study Of Integration On Moral And Legal Education Of Universities

Posted on:2014-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330392972946Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With a variety of "College criminal incident," the emergence of intensifiedsocial conflicts, social transformation, students ethical standards and legal literacy isbecoming a matter of concern. The entire legal education system of university is aninverted pyramid structure, that is a problem and then remedy type. Chinese societyis in transition, social transition to college students with opportunities andchallenges. Today’s college money worship, utilitarian ethos is very serious; some ofthe students’ behavior outrageous contempt moral and legal, all the substances as aprecondition, ignoring the collective and national interests, ignoring the interests ofothers, lack of social responsibility. China toward internationalization and improvethe quality of students’ moral and legal literacy, students will be their talents andnoble accomplishment and quality to the actual building in order to apply, for theentire country is building a market economy in particular plays an important role.This thesis studies directly aimed at reducing college crime rates. The ideologicaland political education classes for college students is the main carrier of guidance,to build a complete system, the integration of moral and legal education content ofthe two disciplines were to go on the ideological and political education, willachieve a better result.This paper discusses the five parts, the first part focuses on Moral and legaleducation relationship, the two are also different from each other both intersect.Through the educational objectives, content and functionality of comparative studyof both moral and legal education a fundamental difference between the theoreticalbasis has been integrated. The second part of higher education in Western moral andlegal education, ideological and political education in general is a comprehensivecomparison. Most Western countries will be better integration into the moral andlegal education, and achieved certain results, differences in their background, ageand cultural differences as well as the integration taken immersion education worthyof our research study. The third part mainly through questionnaires, NanjingUniversity, analyzes the current students to the Moral and legal education, and thewhole view of the ideological and political education work on the results obtained,the problems, the problems through analysis, if the potential to improve theintegration of educational resources utilization, improve resource utilization andother good education for integration provides a more solid basis of theoreticalanalysis, the fourth part of the right to carry out integration if the project shouldfollow the people-oriented principle of restraint and supervision through theestablishment of monitoring and implementation mechanisms to carry out works. Section V discusses the integration of Moral and legal education specificimplementation of the path, which is also part of this innovation. In theimplementation of the path, the recommendations adopted Western-style educationpenetration, establish a professional to integrate the construction of the teachingstaff, while improving the status of legal education, to change the traditional modeof education and morality instead of law, to carry out with Chinese characteristics,characteristics of the times integration of research.
Keywords/Search Tags:moral education, legal education, integration, implementation approach
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