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On Wang Anshi Administrative Ethics

Posted on:2015-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330431456422Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, China is in a critical period of building a moderately prosperoussociety. In this period, the material civilization develops rapidly, while the spiritualcivilization develops slowly. Because the contemporary administrative ethics systemhas not formed perfectly, the phenomenon of the violence of administrative ethics iscommon, which causes the increasing people’s attention.The development of modern administrative ethics should build on the reality ofthe country. In the meantime, it should also absorb and learn from foreign advancedones. We must inherit the fine traditions of Chinese administrative ethics, pragmatic,pioneering and innovative. Wang Anshi is a famous reformer and thinker of SongDynasty, and his writings,“Wang Wengong Collection” contains a wealth ofadministrative ethics.Firstly, the essay discusses Wang Anshi’s administrative ethics, and then describeshis aspirations of administrative ideal, the administrative ethics theory, theadministrative body morality and ethics policy approaches on four aspects. Finally, theessay discusses Wang Anshi’s main modern sense of ethics, in order to providereference for the construction of a modern administration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Anshi, Administrative ethics, Modern sense
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