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Research On Government Behavior In "Volunteer Incubator"

Posted on:2015-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428956002Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Voluntary service originated in the western religious charities in the19th century.After a long period of development, the western mature voluntary service system hasmade voluntary organizations outside the government and the market and become "thethird sector". Compared to Western countries, Chinese voluntary service started late, butthe development is very rapid. Especially in recent years, under the background of theCPC central committee stressed to strengthen and innovation of social governance,some local governments have voluntary service as a breakthrough point of socialgovernance innovation. They integrate social resources, attract social organizations,expand the participation and provide comprehensive support of volunteer services, tothe form volunteer service teams, improve the efficiency of volunteer service and meetthe diverse needs of the masses eventually. In the process of such a governmentbehavior, the local government always play the role of an "incubator", therefore theauthor summarize this government action as “Volunteer incubation”. In this paper,“Volunteer incubation” will be analyzed and expounded from the following severalaspects:First, definite the concept of "Volunteer incubation" and elaborate on its theoryfoundation. By comparing of several "Volunteer incubation" practices, the authorextracts the concept of "Volunteer incubation". And select the "incubator" theory, newpublic management theory, the voluntary failure theory and the third party governancetheory as the theory foundation of “Volunteer incubation”.Second, the author analyzes the government behavior motivation of “Volunteer incubation” from two aspects of background and necessity. The author analyzes theeconomic background, political background, social background and cultural backgroundof the government behavior of “Volunteer incubation" then illustrates the necessity ofgovernment "Volunteer incubation" behavior in detail from the aspects of society,voluntary organizations and volunteersThird, the author carries out specific analysis on government "Volunteerincubation" behavior. The author selects Yongxing Street Government Office as atypical case to make sure what role should the local government play in “Volunteerincubation”.Fourth, the author analyzes the effect of “Volunteer incubation”. Since the“Volunteer incubation” operation, not only the vast masses, but also the localgovernment and the volunteers have benefits. But “Volunteer incubation” still have toface some difficulties such as how “Volunteer incubation” docks with the originalvolunteer service management system,how to protect the volunteers’ right and thesustainable development problem of “Volunteer incubation”.Finally, there are some thoughts on “Volunteer incubator” behavior. The authordiscusses the particularity and popularization of “Volunteer incubator” and gives adviceand suggestions for “Volunteer incubator” from the aspect of principle, structure andoperation."Volunteer incubation" is an exploration of social management innovation, is ofgreat significance for maintaining social stability, promote social harmony and promotesocial development. It will play an active role in nurturing social organization, therational allocation of resources, promote social transformation. It deserves governmentsupport and promotion.
Keywords/Search Tags:“Volunteer incubation”, Government behavior, Voluntary service, Voluntary organizations
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