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Marx And Engels’s Agricultural Cooperative Thought And Its Contemporary Value

Posted on:2015-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330428473837Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx and Engels thought agricultural cooperatives are not a vacuum, which is based onthe theory of critical and inherit their predecessors on the practice of agricultural cooperativesin the inspection and on the basis of scientific prediction of the future society on thegenerated. Based on the basis of the classics of Marx and Engels and other related research,drawing on previous research results in the scientific method of dialectical materialism andhistorical materialism guidance, the use of historical documents, process analysis and systemanalysis combining theory with practice other methods of agricultural cooperatives ideas ofMarx and Engels studied the system, designed to provide a reference for solving problems ofcontemporary Chinese farmer cooperatives.From the overall perspective of the thinking of Marx and Engels agriculturalcooperatives preliminary exploration and research. Is divided into three parts: the first part,the theoretical source of social conditions and ideas of Marx and Engels thought to produceagricultural cooperatives and formation process. Comprehensive analysis of the impact ofsocial conditions which generate ideas and thoughts of the three co-utopian society ’s ideasof Marx and Engels, agricultural cooperatives, and on this basis, a comprehensive expositionof the budding ideas of Marx and Engels agricultural cooperatives produce mature threestages. The second part focuses on the main ideas of Marx and Engels agriculturalcooperatives, specifically including the nature of agricultural cooperatives; principles ofagricultural cooperatives; forms of agricultural cooperatives and agricultural cooperativesfunction. The third part discusses the theoretical and practical enlightenment ideas of Marxand Engels agricultural cooperatives, specifically addressed the status of Marx and Engels’theory of agricultural cooperatives in its system of economic theory, as well as building asocialist new countryside construction theoretical system role. Through in-depth study of theideas of Marx and Engels agricultural cooperatives, to explore the practice of contemporaryChina ’s revelation that develop specialized farmer cooperatives must meet the conditions;farmers to follow the principle of voluntary participation; increase government support and strengthen farmer cooperatives intensive of revelation professional, organizational and socialconstruction, in order to better development of China’s farmer cooperatives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx and Engels, agricultural cooperatives, thought, value
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