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Thai - Cambodian Temple Monopoly Case Analysis Of International Law And Its Effect On Functional Dispersion Of Practice

Posted on:2014-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The international disputes in temple between Thailand and Kampuchea was submitted to the international court.Thailand and Kampuchea between the two territories disputes, the development of International Court of justice on the dispute judgment and execution of the judgment and other aspects of international law function dispersion characteristics in different extent. The international law system dispersion is the inevitable result of international social structure dispersion. Special subject of international factors, social structure, fundamentally determines the dispersion function of international law. Due to the international legislation, justice and international law executive functional dispersion of the inherent defects; so many international disputes cannot be like domestic disputes smoothly through litigation and enforcement procedures are completely resolved. Dispersion of the international law makes great impact on the practice of international law function.
Keywords/Search Tags:international law function, functions dispersion, structure of theinternational community
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