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Chinese Traditional Porcelain Design Packaging

Posted on:2015-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
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China, as the source of ceramic art, has a long history. But porcelain goods packaging design in the current era of rapid development, but this is relatively backward position, especially as a representative of Chinese traditional porcelain packaging design, there has been stereotyped, lifeless, lack of brand recognition and other issues. In this paper, Yaozhou porcelain packaging design, for example, will use the new visual design and sound design to solve the traditional porcelain packaging the problems.This paper is composed of five parts, the first part describes the necessity of research purpose, significance, such as the status quo at home and abroad, proved through research. The second part is an overview of traditional Chinese porcelain packaging, further illustrates the package as the external manifestation of porcelain brand, the importance of the whole market. The third part of the use case analysis, history and current situation of Yaozhou porcelain elaborate packaging, and in the presence of a specific list of its porcelain packing. The fourth part is mainly based on the traditional porcelain YAOZHOU packaging, for example, by discussing several aspects of Yaozhou porcelain packaging visual identity design, brand building and green packaging, packaging design methods to the traditional porcelain provides a reference. The last part is a summary of this article, I hope you can give porcelain packaging design and research can learn from some place.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional porcelain, Porcelain packaging, Packaging design
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