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Althusser's Theory Of Ideology

Posted on:2014-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425956207Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx established the modern context of the concept of ideology. Althusser pointed out that Marx just laid the basis for the theory; ideology can not just stop at this level. Althusser inherited Marx, combined with Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory and Gramsci’s ideological leadership theory. And then multiple modern ways of thinking join its theoretical system. Thus a comprehensive analysis of the role in social life, as the ideology of the state apparatus. At the same time it has a major impact for the western cultural Studies and post-modern culture theory. But there are also many defects in its theory. First of all, too much emphasis on ideology and scientific opposition weakened the critical battle of Marxist philosophy and the practice of science function was ignored. Second, during stressed the structure and function of ideology, absoluteness the main ideological surrender. Completely ignoring the subjective dynamic role of the main understanding of the main formation process is too simple. These defects have made Althusser farther and farther away from the mind of "For Marx".This article discussed from the origin of Althusser’s theory of ideology, the main contents and positive significance and shortcomings of these three areas, meanwhile, restore the true face of Althusser’s theory of ideology. It offers thinking point for postmodern cultural Thoughts and new theoretical breakthrough.
Keywords/Search Tags:Althusser, Ideology, Marxism
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