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Birth Academy

Posted on:2015-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425494492Subject:Higher Art Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The emergence of art academy marked the beginning of a new era of westernart education, because from then on the art education became systematizedand formalized. The first academies were founded in Italian cities likeFlorence, Bologna and Rome, which influenced both the art history and arteducation history. Based on the analysis of related documents, this papergives a case study on of the most influential academies–AccademiaIncamminati, which was also called Carracci Academy in Bologna. The articleis divided into three parts. The first part gives the brief introduction toCarracci Academy and two main issues on the academy: a. what was the natureof Carracci Academy, workshop or academy in the modern definition? b. whysome art historians called it “the first academy” in the western world?Then tries to give answers from my point of view. The second part analyzedthe teaching system of Carracci Academy and introduced its four mainbranches: a. intimate from the old masters and copy from nature, b. anatomyresearch, c. theoretical study, d. observation and creativeness cultivation.The third part tries to find the educational idea that directed CarracciAcademy’s education system, and how the idea formed. At the same time, thispart reveals the significance and influence of Carracci Academy though theperspective of reality and history. The thesis tries to relate CarracciAcademy with its social context at that time and reveal the state of artacademies when they were just established.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carracci, Academy, Italy, Art Education
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