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On Structural Art Of Mo Yan '

Posted on:2014-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425455946Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mo Yan, a famous novelist of Chinese contemporary writing, whose rich country life experiences and abundant creations are prominent among Chinese contemporary writers. Mo Yan is an imaginative novelist, whose works are unique, innovative and distinct. He refreshed himself and his works during writing and showed his calm thinking in his changing novel structures. In this paper, we took the structure as the point of penetration to study Mo’s exploration in novel structure and artistic pursuit with going into his massive and complicated novel world.First of all, we study the structural style and its evolution on the diachronic point of view. Mo Yan is not only persistent in originality and productive in creation, but also a writer who enjoys changing. From the vanguard narrative in1980s to his coming back, he absorbs the best from traditions and folks. Mo’s novels present new changes coming into the21st century. He absorbs the best from traditional novels and western novels, which showed his own pursuit of novel structure. Mo’s creation standpoint and methods presented his constant individual style, also showed his artistic tendency of changing.Then, we conclude structural characteristics of Mo Yan novel on synchronic point of view. Taking Mo’s novels as research objects, it is easy to see Mo’s changing once more, which penetrate all his writing. Mo Yan, as a contemporary novelist, does not persist in scholasticism since he broke the usual way of creating and absorbed the best from traditional culture, folklore, modern novel tradition and foreign culture. Also, he pursued changing constantly, seeked for new novel forms and styles. Throughout Mo’s novel creation, no matter style innovation, narrative discourse or narrative methods, Mo Yan broke the usual way of creating and formed his own characteristics.Mo Yan’s novels are structurally creative and innovative, in which presented his calm "people’s standpoint" in his free imagination. Mo Yan regarded the northeastern district of Gaomi as his literature world and narrated history and society in a different way, while almost every novel has its own structural style. The writer expressed his attitudes towards this society and his thinking towards humanity. His hard working in writing Chinese contemporary novels got approved in and abroad. However, like all innovators, Mo Yan had ever gone wrong when explored his own way. In his novels, the tendency of convention is shown. Mo Yan’s novels stressed changing of narration sometimes and seeking novelty while get no rid of the logic of grand narration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mo Yan, Narration, Structure, Innovation
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