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Lao She 's Novel Reforming Nationals

Posted on:2014-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H LianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425453878Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Harbinger of national character transformation has been merged in the late Qing Dynasty of China, but the fervent discussion about it has never stopped after that. Until the May Fourth period, as a banner of the literary world, Lu Xun advocated national character transformation using the literary. When Lao She came back to China from the UK, he has missed literary movement, but still been influenced by Lu Xun and other people, started to participate in the transformation of the national character movement.There are many research on Lao She’s Novels, but research on transformation of national character about Lao She’s novel was not comprehensive and system, research on characterization and cultural nature from Lao She’s criticism perspective was also not enough. This paper focuses on the weak links of these studies, combing and analysis development of consciousness and characteristic about national character transformation, characterization and cultural aspects impact in Lao She’s novel, to reveal Lao She’s unique artistic value about national character criticism.Paper is divided into four parts:The first part, contacting Lao She’s life and writing experience, tries to sort out development of consciousness about national character transformation. In Lao She’s novels, like "Zhao Zi Yue","Er Ma","Mao Cheng Ji","Luo Tuo Xiang Zi","Si Shi Tong Tang", he explored the drawbacks and root causes on the character of the fictional characters. From this tidy process, we are also discover that Lao She was intertwined with two emotions, one is criticism about national evil, another is heartfelt sympathy and caring about lower-class people. These emotions also make Lao She’s novel has its own unique taste.The second part discusses Lao She’s inheritance and development of Lu Xun’s minds on reforming nationals. First, compares the creative thinking and approach in their novels, in order to clarify Lao She’s inheritance and development of national character transformation from Lu Xun. Second, select two classic characters "Xiang Zi" and "A Q" from their novels to compare text, explore two literary master’s minds when they shape characters. Finally, elaborate Lao She’s unique style of criticism, even though Lao She inherited Lu Xun’s national critique theme, and developed his own unique style of criticism. One is good at portraying and copying characters using humor and mild tone. Second, observing growth signs through putting characters and plots in the greenhouse, critiques characters and reflect the cultural pathology at the same time.The third part, for the mild tone of Lao She held for the national critique, make Peking’s public people society which appeared many times in Lao She’s novels as nationals critical venue. According to the amount of property and the level of ideological consciousness, divided people into three categories, old-school members of the public, the new breed of citizens and the underlying civil. Lao She drew Peking’s livelihood through three categories of people’s life and the spirit world. Borrowed special historical situation of city, he spanned spirit and scrum of the nation, achieved culture criticism character and effects of cultural ills.The fourth part, for Lao She’s unique culture criticism, this part analyze three major cultural works which Lao She has experienced, trying to explore different culture lesions and specify the harms. According to cultural patterns and concerns, focusing on the official money and moderation conservative Peking culture, and full of chivalrous decline Shigenori Manchu culture. In addition, Lao She’s critical tip is not limited in China, but also include discrimination weak country and colonialism British culture, let Chinese people see weak links under the western civilization, avoid following them blindly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lao She’s novel, transformation of national character, characteristics, criticize, culture
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