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Modern Transformation Of Chinese National Character Studies

Posted on:2010-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278997140Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Facts have proved that much of the developing countries committed to achieve modernization, it is going through the throes of modernization, the only aware of the psychological and spiritual was firmly locked in the traditional sense of the many behind, and has become a serious obstacle to social development so that the modernization difficult."Today any country, if its citizens do not experience such a personality on psychological and sexual changes to a modern, just to rely on foreign aid, advanced technology and the introduction of a democratic system can not successfully make it from a backward their own country into the sustainable development of the capacity of the ranks of the country's modernization."At present, our country is in a society in transition, on the one hand, a planned economy to a market economy, on the other hand, is a traditional society to a modern social changes, in the social transition, the transformation of people are also inevitable. The character is in transition from traditional to modern people, people realize the modernization of the key. Only both realize the modernization of society and the modernization of people realize that we can really embark on the development path of modernization. Our country since the reform and opening up, economic development, national strength, the National have been greatly improve the overall quality, but because of the continued advance of reform and in-depth, and social transformation on the impact of more and more people, and people continue to highlight the problem. At present, our country there are lot of people a certain degree of"personal crisis", which is affecting the process of modernization and the people with a series of constraints to solve social problems. Of these due to the emergence of social transformation must have the right personality theory and the corresponding measures to guide the society and resolved.The thesis includes three chapters: Chapter I is mainly to explain the meaning of personality and personality research foundation of Marxist philosophy. Chapter a more detailed analysis of the modern transformation of China's national character of some important questions, including: society in transition state of the national character and personality of the modern transformation of the basic trends and the basic characteristics of the modern personality. The third chapter in shaping the modern significance of personality, focusing on the Chinese people learn to shape the modern personality in several ways. Conclusion part of Chinese national character of the development trend of positive outlook.
Keywords/Search Tags:personality transformation, The modern character, Personality to shape
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