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On Langdon Novel Class Feel

Posted on:2014-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G ZhuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330401484888Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the1980s, the novel written by the young Tibetan scholars end Chi-plus "white measures and week measures" have been published in after "Qinghai Tibetan daily", the rise in the Tibetan areas of society for a new life, and focus on full episode of the new wave of novel writing. Thus the outstanding novelist mushroomed and many outstanding works presented in front of readers. Of prominent national characteristics, after the old and the new society, therewere veryfewauthors, not to mention works.In this paper, the famous writer Mr. LangdonBanjue unique writing style and language structure, and the plot and Mr. unique across old and new social identity to enhance the value of the works of Mr..Mr. Langdon’s works not only areable to give a true picture of the phenomenon of a certain period of time aboutthe Tibetan society, but also fiercely ironic and flogging the wrongful act of the upper class people, the work has a strong appeal, topics for writing inspiration newcomer authors ’God’ go to ’people’ from the exemplary and leading role, which has ahigh research value.In addition to the introduction, notes and conclusion, three chapters consist constitute the complete content. The Introduction describe the content of the topics of the purpose of research related to dynamic, research methods and expected objectives. Body part from the life of Mr. Langdon Banjue the start, introduced one by one the central idea of his important works, unique writing methods, language expression, works with the characteristics of the times and the spirit of the times, the impact on society content.Chapter I starts from the famous contemporary novelist Langdon Banjue’s life of to the school, creative insights and significant achievements, which laid the foundation for the latter two chapters. Chapter II into the part of the topic of this article, one of the important works of Mr."Storm in the garden" center of intellectual and artistic features research from two aspects, first, unity is the central idea of the article, a small area development and the development of a nation, and even the development of society as a whole, unity is the first prerequisite. Secondly, the articles of the art features, sir, in the garden of the storm "in an article with a unique Tibetan Words Embedded poetry and pronunciation modification method, description of the plot to take Shun Syrian law and pointed out that the article has a certain era. Chapter of Mr. masterpiece "Turquoise" the central idea and artistic characteristics, First of all, it is possible to truly reflect the despicable behavior of the old Tibetan nobles and serfs cruel exploitation is the central idea of the article; Secondly, the "Green turquoise article art is characterized by the use of flashback and Tibetan folk genre; Mr. articles, affirmed many advantages also pointed out some shortcomings. To derive my humble opinion:the development of modern Tibetan literature, the adoption of a new literary writing to the traditional literature on the basis of the literature with a strong national characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:LangdonBanjue, novel, "storm"in the garden, "turquoise"
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