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On Foster's Ecological Marxism

Posted on:2014-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K YaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
J.B. Foster is one of the most famous eco-Marxist in the North America, who is also the editor or the Left Wing magazine Monthly Review. He looked into the development of the theory of Marx, and combined it with the developed Modern Ecology and the System theory, and rediscovered the new ecological resource from the materialism of Marx, and reconstructed the Marxism. He tried to analysis the reasons of the ecological crisis of the Capitalism from rediscovering the ecological thoughts of Marx. Meanwhile, he used the theory of ecology and the natural thought of Marx’s Materialism criticized the anti-ecological phenomenon of the Capitalism. It is of great strength and power of him to use the Marxism to criticize the govern system under the Capitalism condition. And it showed that he cared so much about the interest of the whole human being as he chose the ecological problem for his research area.Although the academic field’s commends to Foster different from person to person, the ecology Marxism thought of him especially those concerning about the environmental protection and the ecological harmony has significant influences for our construction of ecology.This essay is mainly made up of by six parts. The first part is introduction of Foster’s ecological Marxism’s research background, influences and Research status at home and abroad. The second part is the background and resources of his theory, The third part is main contents of his theory. The fourth part is about the judge of Foster’s ecological Marxism. And the enlightening of his theory to our construction of ecological culture and conclusion followed as the last two parts of the essay.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foster, ecological Marxism, ecological crisis
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