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"Poetry Tiger" Luo Ye And Poetry

Posted on:2014-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330398499408Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Luo Ye was a famous poet in late Tang dynasty whom known as the poetrytiger,he has165poems still available today but only left some rough record of his lifeand works in history.Based on the literary document of Luo Ye,combining with theinformation of the time he lived,this paper is trying to discuss Luo Ye’s literaryachievements in full view,which is the first attempt in this area.This paper consist of five chapters.The preface is the conclusion of former studies and the significance of thisresearch.Chapter one is the textual research of Luo Ye’s life.Based on the works ofWen Yiduo and sir Li Dingguang,confined Luo Ye’s life time borders,and furtherpointed out the mistakes of former studies.Chapter two is based on the background study of Luo Ye’s lifetime,mainlypolitics,examination and military office,under this view we analyzed three mainaspects of his works as ironical,examination failure and the ones describing hisexperience in those military offices.Chapter three is the research of Luo Ye’s poems,mainly discussed therhetorics and his homesickness,ambitions which is the classic image of lowborn poetsin late Tang dynasty.Chapter four is the analyzation of the artistic features:the common writingstyle,the implicit of his hatred,the clear and elegant aesthetic style,and furtherdiscussed the various resources he inherited from former poets.Chapter five mainly discussed the influence of Luo Ye,including hisenlightenment to the Xikun poets,the poetry tiger and himself appeared in latepoetry works,and the influence from his aesthetic styles.The appendix including the supplements to Luo Ye’s literary works,thecommences of Luo Ye,the discriminations of formers studies’ mistakes, and edit of hispoems based on documents in South-Song dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Luo Ye, life study, poems, poetic style
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