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Study Of Mongolian Yuan Dynasty Awareness Of Animal Protection

Posted on:2014-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330398496262Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yuan dynasty is established by the Mongolian, which is the most expansive and unified nation in Chinese history. Nomadic herding is Mongolian’s main production method and life style in Yuan dynasty, and hunting is an important supplement. According to a philosophical analysis on the historical data of Yuan dynasty, we can understand the animal protection consciousness in Mongolian’s mind and who has played an important role for the grassland ecological balance.The first part demonstrated the research value of Mongolian’s animal protection consciousness in Yuan dynasty, which can be seen in three aspects:purpose and meaning of the research, research status in academic world, the key point and innovation point of the research.The second part proved, at that time the Mongolian’s animal protection consciousness is a reflection of physic-geographical environment, cultural and historical background, production method and life style, Mongolian’s religious faith. This conclusion is based on the historical data of physic-geographical environment, cultural and historical background, production method and life style, Mongolian’s religious faith in Mongolian Plateau at that period.The third part mainly analyzed the livestock protection of the Mongol nationality, whose feeding method for horse, cattle, camel and sheep is totally different. Mongolian used to protect livestock by using Yuesun and customs, and then using statute law to protect them. Yuan dynasty has special feeding organization and workers, which is good for livestock’s protection and development of Yuan dynasty.The fourth part mainly analyzed the protection of wildlife by Mongol nationality, and the wildlife is an important supplement for the Mongol nationality’s production and living materials. The Mongolian hunting always ends with animal releasing. At that time, Mongolian considered’ hunting in fixed time and designated location’as their rule. Mongolian has a clear hunting season and area. Mongolian strictly prohibits people hunting in animal breading season or in suspended hunting area, and the wide rage hunting only permitted in winter. In order to prevent people with hunting wild animal uncontrolled, the government of Yuan dynasty set up a special hunting agency to control hunting. From the historical data of dependent countries, they paid tribute the rare fowls and strange animals for Yuan dynasty, we can see the Mongolian governor’s affection for the animals.The fifth part mainly analyzed the characteristics, historical inheritance and enlightenment value of Mongolian’s animal protection consciousness in Yuan dynasty. In Yuan dynasty, Mongolian’s animal protection consciousness had obvious regional identity, long history heritage, high religious and nationality character, strong state will. Ming and Qing dynasty inherited the animal protection policy of Yuan dynasty. Faced with the harsh realities of today’s animal survival environment and unreasonable human activities, we cannot ignore the current environmental crisis. Trough a philosophical analysis of historical data, Mongolian’s animal protection consciousness can give us outstanding reference, which also has a unique value for nowadays.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongol nationality in Yuan dynasty, ecological existence, hunting in fixed time, hunting in designated location, animal protectionconsciousness
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