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Contemporary Art Of The Western Thangka Painting

Posted on:2013-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tibetan culture, as the important part of long Chinese culture, has been further protection and inheritance. Art of Tibet is one of the most wonderful works in China’s treasure house of art. For example, Thang-ga has become China’s cultural heritage. Tibet Thang-ga art theme and artistic technique of expression are very rich and colorful. It’s a kind of special category of art that many artists are keen on. It has its unique artistic form of expression, and it is also a kind of important form of visual communication. Thang-ga is not only religious scroll paintings, but also an eternal charm of scroll paintings of history and folk customs. It can be said to be Tibet encyclopedia.This study is based on Western painting about study of contemporary arts. To study art of Tibet should focus on the human landscape of Tibet and Tibet’s characteristic architectures so that Tibet contemporary Thang-ga art can be depicted in that cultural background. Of course, we also need to understand exactly what contemporary art is and how to connect with Tibet Thang-ga so that we know why this contemporary art is full of Tibet characteristics. If you want to research on contemporary Thang-ga art, you should have a certain understanding about Chinese Thang-ga art. Then study the Thang-ga ideas and lucubrate the Thang-ga unique color. It is important to research on its color. Thang-ga has its particular color, and each color is well-chosen. It has its own certain religious culture and historical factors. Only to catch the Thang-ga creation idea and analyze its unique color, we can understand the key point of contemporary Tibetan art soul. My Thang-ga, I not only gives a mark of the times but also focus on exploring the beauty of people’s lives and nature. On the basis of refining and distillation, I create my work—the harmonious beauty of heaven, earth and human being. This work has its own novelty, and the greatest feature is the change from God of the doctrine to humanism. The picture presents ideality, romanticism and beyond time and space. Characters in this work is bright, sunny, nice and brilliant with a kind of new form and new ideas to the interpretation of contemporary Thang-ga.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thang-ga, art, colors
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