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Discussion Doctrine Based Gate Taiji Patterns

Posted on:2013-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2264330395479231Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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Mingmen theory from ontology based, the life and clinical application of the guidance system of traditional Chinese medicine theory. Mingmen theory is the whole theory of traditional Chinese medicine, frame, the frame that is the core of\"the tao gave birth to a life two, two, three, born of all things. All special privilege to negative Yin and Yang, ChongQi thought and arms.\"\"Easy to tai chi is born two device, two meter born like, four like four born gossip.\"\"Water a day, two yue fire, three yue wood, four yue gold, five yue soil.\"\"vitality\". Four kinds of ontology in the pre-qin philosophy of soft together.\"Dao\" and\"easy\" speech body,\"the way\" the word of the body, which change, which actually\"people\";\"Easy\" speech of the body change, change and change, change actually in\"people\";\"Five elements\" and\"the vigor\" with the words,\"the vigor\" with the word in the move, move for static, dynamic grasped\"life\"\"Five line\" with the words in the quiet, quiet actually in\"life\". The four, the foundation of Chinese philosophy, mingmen theory the core contents of traditional Chinese medicine theory is the core.This thesis mainly part eight parts:The first part is a word with the foundation is a way of expression related.The second part is the way of the development of the theory of theory,\"way\" is a word to relatively early in the classic\"of the\" eye\"said, but this paper said mingmen theory began in the difficult to the\"way of the spirit of expression, the influence of the neo-confucianism, mature in Ming dynasty at three mingmen theory:SunYiKui should become angry mingmen theory, the ZhangJingYue fire and water mingmen theory, the ZhaoXian can monarch mingmen theory. Mingmen theory can say with Taoism, Dan art is in the same theory, the development of art in Dan is mingmen theory in the mature beyond’s route.The third part is\"the doctrine of mingmen core\" figure.The fourth part is classic theory frame:\"ultimate mingmen theory\" figure. The fifth part is the theoretical framework of the theory behind taiji diagram, improved by his theory taiji diagram. And by his theory of the expression of art.The sixth part is how to understand the tai chi, Confucian words from the next, Buddhism from words don’t oppose the causation, the nature of the tao to Taoist words, words from traditional inverse Yin and Yang, can understand the limit for that use.The seventh part is the limit of cultivate one’s morality and personal with that of traditional heal (mingmen theory of clinical application). Personal cultivate one’s morality has reached the tai chi for holy, holy, is the culture within the representative, has a key to the spread of the mission of this culture, such as Lao zi, Confucius, zhuangzi, Buddha is the Chinese culture to carry forward not stand tall in the sacred, but also a theory of traditional Chinese medicine and dissemination of the main representative, Chinese medicine to be able to continue to benefit mankind can not be lack of inheriting and carrying forward the theory of everybody, and we all cultivate one’s morality raises a gender, sit-ins is all the best way to improve their accomplishment, one of these knowledge based, modern knowledge has been popular, knowledge is enough for learning, for private use and want to spread it must make informed decisions, to know, sincerity, is the heart, cultivate one’s morality, household, the ruling, flat. Mingmen theory of clinical application for ZhangJingYue representative of\"big treasure, and the true way, Yin\" discusses right and left to pills, to drink around the core drug is:fill in cultivated land, liquorice, Yin yam, give priority to add and subtract the Chinese wolfberry; Fill in, cultivated land, Yang aconite, liquorice, cinnamon and give priority to. And the sun simiao heart renal fellowship theory. About heart medication renal fellowship, from SunYiKui books find some content, which core drug is tuckahoe. Renal fellowship theory mainly is the heart from internal Dan technique the Taoist mingmen fire and water, was in a way through the fire and water and Dan Dan technique the lead from the mercury, and theory of fire and water both Jackie, fire and water not Jackie gua two.
Keywords/Search Tags:ming men, tai ji, yin yang, jing qi shen
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