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Screening Methods And Applied Research On Restoration Of Contaminated Sites Topsis Soil

Posted on:2014-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2261330401950080Subject:Environmental Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, a set of contaminated sites remediation management system has beenconstructed during the remediation of contaminated sites, but a lot of guidancesrefering the contaminated site are still on the stage of draft or Exposure draft, whichmeans the contaminated site remediation system in our country is still immaturity andneeds to improve. Considering the highlight problem of remediation technologiesselecting during the contaminated sites cleanup in China, this paper carried a reaserchon contaminated sites remediation technologies screening method based on Topsis andthe application in real case. The main conclusions of reaserch were:(1) Introduced the hazardous of polluted soil and legislation and remediationwork carried out in some western countries, try to exhibit the links of environment,social and enconomic in contaminated site remediation. Then though the analyzingthe information of remediation technologies applyed in US Superfund contaminatedsites and a part of remedied sites in China, it can be found that selecting a properremediation technologies will be very important to our country during the process ofcontaminated sites remediation managements in future.(2) Based on the position and function of remediation technologies screeing incontaminated sites remediation management system in our country, the paper analysedthe character of remediation technologies selection and point out existing problems incurrent study. Then the paper introduced the remediation technologies preliminaryselection and detailed evalution at aborad The context of remediation technologiespreliminary selection including: remediation technologies database used to gather andconserve remediation technologies information and the methods to identify thepotential applicable remediation technologies (group). In the remediation technologiesdetailed evaluation, the paper introduced the principle and character of severalcommon used MCDA (Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis) methods in technologiesscreening.(3) Constrcuted the remediation technologies screening method of its own. Theremediation technologies preliminary selection, including: remediation technologiesdatabase constructure design, information retrieval and updating mechanism,technologies screening matrix and preliminary selection methods。 In the part of thedetailed evaluation, the paper analysed the situation of contaminated sites remediationin China, porposed the principles of remediation technololgies selection; And based on the principles composited the indicator and scoring methods; evaluated theidentified technologies with the Topsis in place of SAW (Simple Additive Weighting),which can avoid the information lost by numeric scoring; the weight of each index isrevised by site character that first calculated by AHP (analytic hierarchic process),which can reflect the real situation of the sites.(4) Applicated the contaminated sites remediation technologies screeing methodon a chrome contaminated site in the case study. The paper followed the guidencesrelevant to contaminated sites in China (including draft or Exposure draft), began thewhole set of contaminated site remediation management including: sites investigation,risk assessment, set remediation targets and remediation technologies screening.Through the case study, it can identify the applicable of screening method and find outthe defection.The remediation technologies screeing method proposed in this paper canprovide a easy way to select technologies for contaminated sites in our country, and itcan cover the deficit of expert assessment. Besides the reaserch achievement ofremediation technologies screening can be appled on the other environmental projectdecision making.
Keywords/Search Tags:remediation technologies screening, contaminated sites remediation, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Topsis
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