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On The State Obligation To The Support Of Elderly Losing Single-Child

Posted on:2014-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425482528Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recent data from Health Ministry show that there are76,000families lost their only child every year in China. By some Demographers calculations, the lost families’amount will get10million in the future. So, how to build the excellent social security system for this large group is very important. But, if want make sure these lost families have no worries both in emotional and material in the parents’old age, it is a huge challenge for today’s society. Now, the urgent task is how to protect the rights for these lost old folks and let them has been provided.In the real life, the lost old folks must to face the pain which lost their only child. Besides, they also have to face the huge presser that how should they live in the future, such as lack of the material, the healthy crisis of physical and psychological. They will lost the confidence and hope in the life. In our society, when the old need to receive the operation, the hospital will ask their children to sign, even to the welfare institutions, this process is requisite. But for these lost old, because they have no child, they will be in the awkward situation. We should make a deep re-fleck on the situations which were caused by lags in series systems.We have no laws aimed at these lost old. Base on the constitution, the old or have no living ability have the rights can get help from the country. Currently, there is only one way can get the help when the old meet difficult in the life. The way is applying allowances to the civil administration department. But for the lost only child old, the subject is wrong, so this way is not suitable for them. Then, these lost old become to the kind who has no children can depend on, has no payment to live and has no life care.So, establish the custody of the lost old is a prerequisite to protection for them. Base on the objective value and other social historical background factors, we can calculate the country commitment to it. After that, the country also needs to consider how to make it come to true. Aim at the different duty of department, the country need to reasonable and perfect legislate, also need establish an oversight authority to make sure the law is workable. Base on the above, the. lost olds’problem can be solved and their basic rights can be protected.
Keywords/Search Tags:losing single-child for the elderly, fundamental rights, the Country, duty of support
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