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Research On Community Correction Working Agencies In Our Country

Posted on:2014-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Community correctio n is a kind of no n-impriso nment pena lty method, will p laceprisoners that meet the statutor y conditions within the community, in the he lp ofreleva nt no n-governmental orga nizations, socia l organizations and the socia lvolunteers, within the specified period that the rele vant decis ion, ruling or decis ion,correct the crimina l psycho logy and bad habits of cr imina ls by the specia l nationa loffice, so then urge criminals can return to society smoothly. The ma in differencefro m the priso n correction is that the ma in body of community correction is thegovernme nt and socia l forces. This is a major characteristic o f community correction,but also the necessary conditio n. The work institutio ns of co mmunity correction arestate organs that to apply community correction measures to crimina ls that in linewith the conditio ns, to comp lete the work of community correction, and to achieve thepurpose of community correction. Social forces inc luding the socia l organizations andvolunteers,they are an important suppleme nt to the work institutions of communitycorrection. To study our co mmunity correction mechanis m, has great significa nce forthe improveme nt of co mmunity correction work and the perfectio n of co mmunitycorrection theory.At present, the grass-roots jud ic ia l is responsib le ma inly and specifica lly for theimp le mentation o f our community correction work, due to the grass-roots judic ia lconstr uction is not ver y perfect; its task is arduous; the lack of imple me ntationexperience of non-custodia l sentence; the staff is not stable and not profess iona l; theshortage of funds; and soc ial forces, suc h as socia l organizatio ns、 vo lunteers,participating in the work of community correction is less, these proble ms havebrought adverse effects on the deve lopment o f our community correction work. Basedon the reasonable exper ience abroad, our countr y sho uld e stab lish specia l co mmunitycorrection work mechanis m,under the Ministr y of justice establish the specia lcriminal executing agenc y, in c harge of the prison ma nage me nt work and the work ofcommunity correction; The provinces, munic ipalities d irectly under the centra lgovernme nt, autono mous regions, a lso set up a specia l cr imina l Mana geme ntDepartme nt in the judic ia l department, are respons ib le for the prison mana geme ntwork and the work of community correction of this area; establish d irectly communitycorrection workstations in China’s county le vel ad ministrative regio n, are responsib ledirectly for the work of correction and ma nage ment o f community inmates. At the same time, we should guide active ly soc ial forces to partic ipate in the work ofcommunity correction, and guide actively the establis hment and deve lopment of thereleva nt socia l organizatio ns; strengthe n of community correctio n volunteer team;give full p lay to the role of the family. Be lieved that with the joint efforts of thegovernme nt power and society power, the community correction syste m will be moreperfect in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:community correction, working agencies, Administration ofJustice, social forces
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