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Research On The Procuratorial Agencies And Functions Of Township (Street)

Posted on:2013-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330425450430Subject:Criminal procedure law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the emphasis of the superior people’s procuratorate, people’s procuratorates at alllevels stretch out their functions to the urban and rural areas. As a branch of the legalsupervision, the basic procuratorial rooms had played a part in the urban and rural areas since1982, and got an all-around development in the early1990s. But in the late1990s, it wasforbbideed for it got into a mess. And since then, the development of the basic procuratorialrooms stuttered on. However, with the advance of the construction of democracy and legalsystem, reconstruction of the basic procuratorial rooms was in great demand. As more andmore local procuratorates, such as in Hainan, Foshan and Dalian, have different explorationon the way of the reconstruction of the basic procuratorial rooms, more experience andpractice was introduced by the advanced procuratorates. Besides, the operate of theCommunity Relations Department of Hong Kong ICAC affords us lessons. After fourdevelopment stages, the basic procuratorial rooms set up nowadays are greatly advanced. Theybecome the procuratorial organs which service for the local people and fulfill the function oflegal supervision.Base on the latest reforms, reconstruction of the basic procuratorial rooms furtherenhance the legal supervision of procuratorial organs. But as a new system, the basicprocuratorial rooms establishment and functions also need a step-by-step improvement process,The paper is divided into the following five parts to expand elaborated:In the first part, the author will show us the four stages that the basic procuratorial roomsexperienced, and present us three common modes about the setting of the basic procuratorialrooms, then make a comparison among the three.In the second part,considering the local administrative reform and the feature of theprocuratorial function, the author will go deep into the practicability and necessity of thesetting up of the basic procuratorial rooms, and illustrate the legal orientation and principle ofthe function setting of the basic procuratorial rooms.In the third part, the author aims at searching the function setting of the basicprocuratorial rooms according to the principle of independence, regularity and necessity, In the fourth part,the author is to put forward some suggestions on strengtheninglegal supervision,indicate the legal basis for the future.In the fourth part,combined with the change of law and working mechanism reform inrecent years, around the procuratorial organs of the four methods of supervision,the authornoted the basic procuratorial rooms how to serve for people and meet their legal needs.In the last part, The author briefly point out the reality of the plight of restricting thedevelopment of procuratorial Room, pointed out that the purpose of writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:basic procuratorial rooms, practicality, legislative exploration, function setting
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