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The View On Marx’s Democracy And The Enlightenments To Contemporary

Posted on:2014-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Y XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330422958330Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Democracy is the basic category of Marxism, as well as has been the pursuit of theideal goal of human beings and desires. How to combine the reality of our country,consciously apply Marx’s concept to understand and solve the problem of democraticpolitical construction in contemporary China? This is the theme research of this thesis.In reference on the basis of democracy, Marx criticizes Hegel’s theory of relationshipbetween citizens and the state of its concept, and put forward the ideal of "real democracy".Follow the point of views which society decided the country, emphasizes the significanceof social withdraw the state power, the realization of democracy and liberation of theproletariat and the communist combination, to find the path of democracy. And accordingto the summary of practice of the Paris commune, deepening its democratic ideas.Comprehensive studies Marx systematically in the way thinking of democracy, mining therich connotation of democratic ideas, from which we can know and solve the problemsexisting in the democratic political construction in our country which have contemporaryvalue.This paper’s main body is made up of four parts:The first part is introduction. Mainly introduced the selected topic basis andsignificance of the article, the research status in China and abroad made a summary andoverview of the system, and points out that research idea, method and difficult points ofthis article and innovation points.The second part introduces the theory of Marx’s concept of the origin anddevelopment course. Marx’s concept is based on human existing old democracy, has beenever thought of inherit and transcendence of democracy. In his critique of Hegel’s conceptof the state also expounds its concept, and put forward the ideal of "true democracy". Thenhe summarized the Paris commune in the practice of the proletarian revolutionary regimepractice concrete form and political principle, elaborated the bud of "true democracy",Marx’s "real democracy" is ideal step by step from the image to the concrete.The third part elaborates the main content of Marx’s concept. Mainly through theanalysis of the basic connotation, the essential attribute of democracy as well as therealization path to highlight the soul of the Marxism democracy thought.The fourth part mainly expounds Marx’s concept of contemporary inspiration. Fromthe perspective "adhere to the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, reasonableconstruction of socialist democratic politics", further excavate Marx’s concept ofdemocratic politics construction in our country to make a contribution to deepening theunderstanding of democratic politics construction in our country, so that make the socialistdemocracy institutionalized and standardized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Concept, Enlightenment
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