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A Study Of Labor Union’s Role In Promoting Social Management

Posted on:2014-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401982793Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, our country is in a critical period of building a well-off society in an all-roundway, deepening reformation and opening up, and accelerating the transformation of economicdevelopment pattern. Hence, it is perquisite to strengthen and innovate the social management,properly deal with all kinds of social problems and social risks, so as to lead a sustainable andhealthy socioeconomic development for China. The Party’s18report highlights that weshould speed up improving the basic public service system, strengthen and innovate the socialmanagement, as well as promote the construction of socialist harmonious society from theheight of fundamental interests of the mass. Strengthening and innovating social managementis mainly about the service and management to people, which at bottom is to do the work ofthe masses. As an important social political group and an important social pillar of the statepower, the trade union should actively participate in social management in the height of theparty and national course development. It is the requirement of the situation, the developmentdemand and the hope of the mass. Moreover, it is also the social responsibility the trade unionshould take in this time.In this paper, by representing the current situation of China from the aspects of politics,society, while employing the theory of civil society and good governance, we have analyzedthe rationality of the trade union’s participating in social management. We have summarizedthe importance of the trade union from its Chinese characteristic and status, its tasks and theapproaches it takes when participating into the social management. By focusing on analyzinghow the trade union in the systematic organizations should strengthen its own self-buildingand how it should fully give play to its own advantages. We have made a decision that weshould speed up improving the basic public service system to construct a social managementsystem with Chinese characteristics. While we are improving the public service system andconstructing the harmonious society, we should fully play the trade union’s important role inpromoting social management.
Keywords/Search Tags:labor union, social management, role
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