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Heidegger’s Question Concerning The Thing

Posted on:2015-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330431953241Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
What is" thing "?" Thing " is the object that we can learn, change and use. But to Heidegger, it’s just not such a simple thing.The conception of" thing " plays a fundamental and significant part in Heidegger’s whole philosophy system, but most of the scholars of Heidegger’s thoughts didn’t pay much attention to this notion. And because of this leak, they could’t see the deeper part of Hedegger’s philosophy. Depend on this consideration, my essay try to carry out a systematic investigation of the coception of Heidegger’s " thing "’, so that we can reveal Hedegger’s whole thought progress about " thing’When talk about " thing ", Heidegger refers it as " the entities as non-Dasein’ However, note that each time he has a specific thing, starting from a specific object, to analyze the essence of thing, by questioning the meaning of objects to questioning "being"In the early stage of Heidegger’s philosophy, the thinking of" thing " has already been involved in it. According to his book Being and Time, Heidegger explored slightly on " thing ", he presented a notion of thing which was different from the traditional substantive notion, but at that time, Heidegger didn’t explore " thing " as a particular conception. Until the1930s, in Origin of the Work of Art, Heidegger criticized three traditional notions of " thing ", and startted to pursue the essence of things and its truth by the analysis of the work of art. So we can say that it is just from this time, Heidegger initiated his systematic studies of the conception of thing.Heidegger believes that all works of art possess the elements of thing. And they also have thingness. Such an the poems of Holderlin, Van Gough’s paintings and the ancient Greek temples, all of them are things with thingness. Then, how can we reach to such kind of " thingness of general things"? In Heidegger’s view,"to the things themselves" is the key of the question concerning the essence of thing. According to the study of the particular " pot " in " Thing ", Heidegger came out with the idea that " the thing is the gathering of sky, earth, divinities, and mortals’In addition, Heidegger also developed a critique of science and technology increasingly. He pointed out that modern society needs our poetic thinking, the only way that we can understand the nature of science, to return to the origin of things, and to being.All in all, Heidegger’s the question concerning the " being " in the angle of "thingness" initiated a whole new perspective of the philosophy of thing. And only with a exhaustive and deep study of the things themselves that we can reach to the real true being.In the capitalist society, with technology becoming the controling element in the mainstream of the world thought, Heidegger claimed to treat technology with real reason, and " dwelling in the world through poetic thinking ". In a word, in pursuit of the origin of things and the being is still worthy of our research and make a further consideration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thing, Thingness, Being, Worldhood
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