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The Research Of Nalanxingde’s Poetics

Posted on:2015-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428973657Subject:Literature and art
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Nalanxingde was a famous The Manchu foemen,he was crown as one ofthe “Top Three Poets among with chenweisong、zhuyizun.He was praiseed by wangguowei as “the best ci writer since north song dynasty”.He was a talented poet, in hisshort life,he had written a quantity of poems and poetry. However, he was known as apoet,his proses are far more famous than his poems. It was said that nalanxingde wasvery clever that he can compose poems when he was a only a little boy. His prose aremainly expressing his own feeling, but his poems are making up his poses on colorfulsociety life and political ideal.His poems are both various on themes and genre, thereare borrowing ancient thing to express feeling history commenting poem, friendshipfarewell poems, the parading of frontier fortress poems and the loving poems. Thesepoems use five characters, seven words, archaic, near body poetry writing.It was regretting that the researchers were making study on himself or hisproses,but his poems are lacking attention.Nalanxingde’s poems theory are focus onhis work “Green water pavilion miscellaneous knowledge”and “the original poem”, inwhich his poems theory had his own trait. This article is focusing on the content andfeatures of the adherent’s poets at the beginning of the qing dynasty poetry, andseeking Nalanxingde as a Manchu poet as well as other scholars focus on thedevelopment and change of poetry. With reference to his poems in this paper, it is agreat significance to try to make a summary of Nalanxingde’s poetry creation forbetter understanding his life, thought. Though nalanxingde’s poetics, unlike otherpoetics, it doesn’t has a system, but his poetics are unique and novel,which holds aposition in the history of poetic history.This paper is indived into six parts to discuss about the view of Nalanxingde’spoetics. The first chapter,I will briefly introduce Nalanxingde’s life and his poetry;The second chapter, analyzing and comparing the poems of adherent’s poets’ andNalanxingde’s poetry ideology, and study the national characteristics of Nalanxingde’sconcept towards poetry, without being constrained by traditional Confucian theory, emphasizing the poetry express the true feeling. The third chapter analyzes thecharacteristics of Nalanxingde’s poety,In《original poem》,Nalanxingde advocated thatpoetry should express true temperament of poet and have its own features, opposingto simulate and plagiarism,besides,he advice that poets should learn from otherteachers but form his or her own style. From the point of view that a poet should betalented then he can be creatative,and glad to learn but not simulate andplagiarism,Nalanxingde pointed out the talent and the awareness of challengingothers is very important to a poet. The fourth chapter will talk about nalanxingde’spoetry concept of analogy by which the poets place high expectation, he advocatedthat by using analogy,the content of poems can have high expectation,bu using themethod of ode to make the poems flexible and fresh. The fifth chapter discuss aboutthe Nalanxingde’s concept of the change of poems. From the view of socialdevelopment to understand the changing of his poem. He criticized the wrong viewthat the poems only describe the joyful things, not write unplasant things, and he gavehigh comment on the poems of jian an dynasty and tang dynasty. The last chapter,nalanxingde focuses on poetry theme, style, poetry theory that no matter what kind ofpoems should express true feelings.On system, nalanxingde’s poetics is the better known him as the munches on theinheritance and development of han culture, it is a great significance of rich poetichistory.
Keywords/Search Tags:nalanxingde, the original poem, self adapting, change of poetry view, variants of poems
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