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Barriers To Efficient Use Of Translation Memory And Coping Strategies

Posted on:2015-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to The Language Services Market:2012by Common Sense Advisory,translation memory is one of the most commonly used technologies in the language serviceindustry. Despite its popularity, much has yet to be done to improve the efficiency of theTranslation Memory System, or TMS in short. Thus it is advisable to focus on resourcemanagement for TMS. As the resource/data accumulates within TMS, translators often findthemselves troubled by the following problems: First, the data/resource matched by TMSis usually in a state of chaos; second, the overall translation quality is decreasing rapidlyand incorrect translation can be found more frequently.The root cause of the problems mentioned above is poor resource management for TMS.Therefore, two coping strategies are suggested: First, in the build-up stage of a specifictranslation memory, a stringent operation standard should be set and executed; second, inthe maintenance stage,“translators’ feedback” should be incorporated into the standardmaintenance procedure.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation memory management, translation memory build-up, translationmemory maintenance
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