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From Zero To Neutral

Posted on:2015-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428479969Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Roland Barthes is undoubtedly structuralism, deconstruction, semiotics, culturalstudies scholar in the twentieth century. His theoretical writings are diverse, which arefull of paradoxs. He used semiotics to interpret the “Text”, and fight the fascism oflanguage at the same time. Finally he fight the Interpretation. His pursued for thefreedom of writing in his whole life. He was always against to the powerfulopposition, language or violence. The pursuit of the writing freedom had neverstopped, and it was called “Writing Degree Zero” at the early time. At the timeBarthes’s theory got it’s reflection and arrivalled at the era of the Text, ideal offreedom was changed into a mild and ambiguous type which called “Neutral”.This thesis argues that the behavior and experience of the “unique” RolandBarthes’s made up his unique life itself, just liked his theoretical writings. They are allbecame a same huge and fresh text. I will seek through the interpretation of Barthes’life and his theories of the text, combing from “zero” to “neutral” theory of changeprocess, and analyze their adhering to the concept of free writing practice carried outimportant text, and then writing a comprehensive study of the theory Barthesconnotation.In this thesis, there are three chapters except the introduction and conclusion:The first chapter is Roland Barthes’s life experiences and personality formation.Roland Barthes’ defenseless childhood, youth tortured by lung disease, and themother’s abnormal love created an intimate character. Conversely, Roland Barthes’character also determined how did he face to his own emotions, career, and sexualorientation in the text. This attitude is the source and reflection of his theory.The second chapter is combing from “zero” to “neutral” theory and analysis.Starting from that “language structure” three-dimensional concept of writing “style”and “writing” in three dimensions, Roland Barthes’“White” and freedoms have beenpursuing in writing state. This is discussed in the perspective of linguistics andsemiotics, which paradox can not be achieved. After being affected by Derrida’sdeconstruction theory, Roland Barthes turned the “work” into the “text”, andestablish a unique concept of free text, which arrived at the “suspension” assertedoppose arrogant neutral.The third chapter is text analysis. Upholding the fragmentation, fracture of,suspension assert ambiguous concept of neutral view of language and text, RolandBarthes did many text practices and took “pleasure” as a benchmark. This chapterinterpret the “Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes”“S/Z”“fragement d’undiscourse amoureux” and “La Chambre Claire”, in order to get to the excavation andinterpretation of Roland Barthes’s theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Roland Barthes, Zero Neutral, Writing Text
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