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The Impact Of Culture On University Students’ Online Shopping Trust

Posted on:2015-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428473165Subject:Development of psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of internet technology, e-commerce has been an emerging industry. Online shopping is characterized as fast and convenient, and it also breaks the limit of time and space. These advantages attract many customers all over the world. More and more online retailers realized that building good online trust between retailers and customers is the key to the success of their business. What is the trust of online customers? Will culture influence customers’ trust when they are shopping online? These questions are worthy of considering.Specific to above questions, my research launched three studies.In Study1, based on Gefen’s online trust questionnaire and Hofstede’s Culture Value Scale, I modified them to fit the subjects in China. The revised questionnaires have satisfactory reliability and validity.In Study2, the study asked random sample of452Chinese university students in Wuhan, and204Finnish university students in Joensuu to be investigated with an anonymous questionnaire about their trust when they shopping online. The results showed that Chinese and Finnish university students’ online trust were significant different. Chinese students paid more attention to the integrity and benevolence while Finnish students paid more attention to ability.In Study3, I examined the regulating effect of five culture dimensions in the relationship of online trust and purchase intention. They functioned as moderators in the relationship of online trust and purchase intention. Specifically, individualism, uncertain avoidance, power distance and long term orientation moderated the relationship of online trust and purchase intention, but masculinity did not.In the end of my research, I gave some suggestions on how to build trust between online retailers and their customers. And then, I commented the some shortage of our research, and took an outlook on future study.
Keywords/Search Tags:online trust, culture, university students
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