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A Study On Surrogacy In The Perspective Of Ethics

Posted on:2015-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of our society, infertility has become a major social problem. It is mainly due to the uterus problems or other physical causes of disease of a woman who cannot personally give birth to a child. With the application of reproductive technology, it brings technology solutions and tools for infertile couples. It also brought a huge impact and challenges for traditional social ethics. Surrogacy now brings a worldwide rise in reproductive behavior and development. The core of surrogacy is the development and extend of human assisted reproductive technology. It has lots of kinds and features. As the development degree of surrogacy in different countries is different, the social ethics it brought may complicated. Only in-depth and detailed analysis of the root causes of their ethical problems can we apply it in a reasonably limited way. In the process of limited rational application, in addition to follow certain ethical principles, build medicine ethics system and reproductive ethics education of medical staff, but also to strengthen the administrative and legislative regulation system to effectively play a positive role in surrogacy. This paper attempts to examine the ethical problem of surrogacy with a help of system and regulation so that surrogacy will bring benefits for mankind in the perspective of ethics.
Keywords/Search Tags:surrogacy, ethics problem, ethics regulation
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