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Study On Internet Film Criticism In China

Posted on:2015-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B L GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428467359Subject:Press and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the creation and the development of the Internet, Internet film criticism emerged asthe times, and developed vigorously. The gap between traditional film criticism and generalpublic, lacking of intimate communication, was filled with Internet film criticism, in whichencouraged growing grass movie-goers participating. Creating film criticism is not theprivilege of film theorists, media workers, traditional film critics and other minorityintellectuals. Common audience, who saw numerous films, earned rich experience and hadenthusiasm of creating film criticism, are dissatisfied to be “the silent majority”. The discoursepower transferred to the general public. Therefore, the era of “everyone is film critic” finallycame.This thesis targets at Internet film criticism in current China. The introduction clarifiesthe history of Chinese film criticism, introducing the origin of Internet film criticism, revealingthe importance of Internet film criticism. The main body of this thesis can be divided into fiveparts:Chapter1: The Outline of Internet Film Criticism, which involves the definition ofInternet film criticism in both broad and narrow sense, from the angle of Internetcommunication, analyzing four characteristics of Internet film criticism, such as openness,causerie, interaction and extreme.Chapter2: The Type of Internet Film Criticism, which concludes two types of Internetfilm criticism through the points of view by symbol type and medium, emphasizing Internetfilm criticism not only broke through the traditional film criticism in text type, but alsoreforms the subject, creation model and communication method of traditional film criticism.Chapter3: The Role of Internet Film Criticism. By observing and dissecting the presentsituation of Internet film criticism, it investigates the relationship between Internet filmcriticism and film production, film audience, film criticism theories, the discourse power ofgrass movie-goers and film marketing, discussing the succession and innovation of role ofInternet film criticism. Chapter4: The Problem of Internet Film Criticism, which reviews the phenomenon offrequent problems, systematically summarizing the new and old problems of current Internetfilm criticism.Chapter5: The Suggestion for the development of Internet Film Criticism, which exploitsthe reason of above problems, and then putting forward constructive suggestions to findcertain helpful means and orientation on in-depth research of Internet film criticism.Besides, the conclusion confirms the achievements of Internet film criticism, lookingforward to a better future of Internet film criticism.This thesis holds that Internet film criticism reversed the decline of film criticism,expanding the types and roles of traditional film criticism. The most important is Internet filmcriticism shakes the authority of traditional film criticism, emphasizing the initiative andsubjective of general public author, promoting critical discourse with isolate standpoint andcritical spirit. As to film criticism, the birth of Internet film criticism turned the page. In spiteof the new circumstances and new problems of Internet film criticism springs up, researcherwill solve these problems some day. The outlook for Internet film criticism is promising.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet Film Criticism, Characteristics, Type, Role, Problem, Suggestion
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