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The Research About The Elements Of Ideological And Political Education In The Soviet Films

Posted on:2015-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428464973Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Soviet film has day however closely linked with politics, the story is extremelystrong, artistic connotation is rich, the Soviet films, contains the ideological andpolitical education of common elements in the film is a distinct feature of the Sovietfilms. The Soviet film creators in different historical periods of different filmtechnology and creative methods, explores the ideological and political educationmethod and means of elements embedded in the movie, the audience in the process ofwatching movies subtly accept the ideological and political education. In the specifichistorical period, the Soviet film in socialist revolution and construction has played atremendous spiritual guide, not just in the Soviet union, and eastern Europe and Chinawere deeply influenced by the Soviet films. Ideological and political education in theSoviet film element for systematic research and analysis, for further scientificunderstanding of the Soviet union film art as a cultural carrier of ideological andpolitical education of the specific connotation and characteristics has importanttheoretical significance, to understanding the Soviet films in different historicalperiods in the Soviet union and play a specific role in the ideological and politicaleducation in our country has important significance. Research and analysis of theSoviet union in the movie the use of elements of ideological and political education,explore its specific type film creation rules and artistic means of innovation, to theconstruction of China’s socialist film culture and the creation has reference andguidance of the theory and practice significance.This article is divided into three parts study of ideological and political educationin the Soviet film elements. The first part is the study of film and the relationship ofideological and political education. First obtains from the development of the film,film is introduced the development of science and technology, art, culture, etc; Secondly, this paper discusses the relationship between film and the mass media andmovies as one of the characteristic of the mass media; Third, discusses the aestheticeducation of film, positive guidance, warning education functions; Finally, this paperdiscusses the film as a carrier of ideological and political education, the necessity,feasibility and the problems existing at this stage. The second part began to study theSoviet union film and the relationship of ideological and political education. First, thispaper discusses the classical perspective of the development of the Soviet films;Secondly, this paper discusses the style and artistic characteristics of the Soviet films;Third, the content of ideological and political education in the Soviet films areintroduced; Finally, explores the Soviet film contribution to the history of ideologicaland political education. The third part discusses the Soviet union in the movie the useof elements of ideological and political education to the enlightenment of our country.Through the above research, we give three implications: first, we must stick to theideological work of political consciousness, political power consciousness, positionconsciousness; Second, must insist on the unity of the political and popular filmculture work; Third, we must insist on the combination of time and effectiveness ofideological and political education.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Soviet films, The ideological and political education, Masscommunication, Ideology
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