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Research On The Development Strategy In The Movie Theme Park Of Honglong

Posted on:2015-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428456138Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For the realization of "Chinese dream",at the Third Plenary Session of the eighteenthCentral Committee put forward comprehensive reform,the reform of the cultural system isfocused on cultural construction,the Red Dragon Film Group,can be said to be the cradle ofthe new China film,its position and role can not be ignored, background of transformationand upgrading of modern market system and industry, will inevitably become the pioneerreform and innovation. The movie theme park is the first movie theme park, far from thecreation, the development of enterprises, always adhere to the development of sustainabledevelopment vision planning film culture industry chain, actively implement the strategy oftalent development, create the upstream to create excellent works as the main line,downstream to create world-class movie theme park development strategy at present, theinteraction, has become the domestic first-class level and international competitiveness ofthe large movie group. However, at present the theme park in the talent development also hasmany shortcomings, for example, managers can not adhere to the development of oldthinking, attitude of professional counterparts, scientific talent scarcity, lack of internationalbackground first-class theme park outstanding compound talent and a skill talents scarce andso on. Therefore, with the development of market economy, enterprises want to remaininvincible in the long river of history, must carry on the enterprise strategic innovation,strategic planning of the company for the next five years, the red dragon group two phaseexpansion project, as well as the strategic plan to build a global "Red Globe100project" inHainan43600000000of the total investment, the implementation of planning anddevelopment the strategies for these enterprises, there must be a to talent developmentstrategy and supporting a reality.In this paper, by analyzing the characteristics of the domestic and foreign movie themepark talent demand, to plan the movie theme park talent development strategy as the case,analysis of the status of implementation of theme park enterprise talent strategy and existingproblems, combined with the company’s future five years the strategic development needs, toestablish a set of three different levels of three-dimensional woven talent management thestaff, management staff, training system, how to establish the management talent assessmentcenter and talent echelon focus on enterprises, so as to enhance the company’s overallmanagement level, help the enterprise to realize the strategic goals and business plan, and provide the reference for the operating model of domestic theme park personnel selection.The paper is composed of introduction, body, conclusion of three parts.Introduction describes the background and significance, research reviews the domestic andforeign research situation and literature, and put forward the research method;Analysis of the necessity of China’s movie theme park talent warfare research,introduced the movie theme park development process, talent demand analysis, promulgatesour country movie theme park talent development strategy problemsThe status analysis of the movie theme park talent development;Fourth, the five chapter focuses on the development strategy of movie theme park talentand its development strategy;Safeguard measures sixth chapter combines the four or five chapter elaborates themovie theme park in the implementation of talent development strategy;The conclusion part summarizes the full text, expenditures on research achievement ofthis paper and its application value;...
Keywords/Search Tags:Movie theme park, Talent Development strategy, Problem, Innovative
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