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The Optimization Of Jilin In Culture Industrial Structure

Posted on:2015-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425993783Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, Economic, informatization, and marketable Globalization is moving into high gear. There is increasing attention on cultural industry. Meanwhile, it is becoming an unavoidable issue of how to reconstruct the cultural industry and reorganize the resources. It is not only the basic requirement of contemporary culture and knowledge development, but also the foremost task for knowledge innovation and technological creation of Jilin Province. More importantly, it is a core issue related to the booming of cultural economy. This paper is divided into7parts based on the cultural structure of Jilin Province. The introduction part will make a comparison between the internal and external cultural structure and this will be the principle of this paper. The second part is the summery of cultural industry. It will mainly focus on the idea of cultural industry, its industrial structure and the researching theory related to it. The third part will be the analysis of cultural industry development in Jilin province and the statement of the increasing problem day by day. The forth part will use static binding and dynamic binding method to make scientific research on those factors. The fifth part will investigate the problem of cultural industrial in Jilin province from coherence, investment, unbalanced development and internal coordination. The research is based on the case study of the cultural industrial structure from the perspective of industry interrelation. After this, the paper will make the preparation for culture industrial reconstruction by referring to the internal and external cultural structure. The last part will give some constructive advices on cultural industrial structure of Jilin province.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural industry, industry coordination, structural optimization
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