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On Tactics For Unexpected Circumstances In Consecutive Interpretation

Posted on:2014-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P Y JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Interpretation is an essential medium for the successful conversation of both sideswho speak different languages. It instantaneously conveys the target and sourcelanguages, and is deemed as a positive, complicated and creative reproduction activity.Interpretation serves as the catalyst in promoting cross-culture and cross-ethnicinteraction as well as the lubricant in pushing forward wheels of human society. Withthe increasingly deepening of globalization, interpretation, as an emerging profession,has become an indispensable bridge between different languages. Moreover, a numberof scholars and researchers begin to do some theoretical and empirical studies ofinterpretation because of its flourishing development. A great many of universitieshave successively introduced interpretation as a major, which provides sound externalenvironment for the cultivation of professional interpreters.Unexpected circumstances refer to emergencies caused by uncertainties ofcondition, time, manner and speaker in the process of interpreting, which imposesevere challenges on the interpreters. Thus the interpreter is definitely required to bequalified and quick-witted to cope with such unexpectedness.This study is an attempt to analyze and assess the unexpected circumstances ofinterpretation both theoretically and practically. In terms of theory, a series of briefintroductions of interpretation are discussed, such as the definition and features. Fromthe practical perspective, case studies are used to explain what kinds of problemsemerge and what may help improve the quality of interpreting. It is hoped that thisstudy can help offer some constructive suggestions for the enhancement of interpretingquality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interpretation, Unexpected Circumstances, Interpreter, Strategies
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