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On Study Of Jun Porcelains Design Innovation Under The Background Of Cultural And Creative Industry

Posted on:2015-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425984394Subject:Industrial design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During recent years, Chinese cultural and creative industry has made a great progress, accordingly leading to its increasingly prominent status in Chinese society and economy. One of the significant sources of cultural and creative industry lies in the inheritance and exploration of traditional art forms, which can be carried forward and further developed with the help of the advantages of cultural and creative industry. Owing to their unique charms, Jun Porcelains are considered as treasure of Chinese traditional art, and thus it is necessary to explore their inheritance and innovation in the new period.Firstly, it is found that problems of Jun Porcelains innovation are centered in their shapes, through the research into cultural connotation of Jun Porcelains and their relationship with modern culture. Secondly, for the design of Jun Porcelains, one model of training Jun Porcelains practitioners, who can meet requirements of cultural and creative industry, should be explored and fixed. Thirdly, researches should be conducted into relationships between the inheritance of Jun Porcelains culture and the innovation, combination of modern design and traditional Jun Porcelains art, etc. Fourthly, thoughts of Jun Porcelains design innovation under the background of cultural and creative industry are analyzed. At last, with cases analysis, strategies of innovating Jun Porcelains design as well as the influence of this innovating are summarized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural and Creative, Jun Porcelains Design, Innovation
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