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The Exploring Analysis Of Requirements For Interpreters Based On The Features And Strategies Of Consecutive Interpreting

Posted on:2014-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425969384Subject:English interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of global economy, the constant advance of science and technology, and the expanding dissemination of information make the world integrate into a global village. The communication and cooperation among different countries, regions and nations become more and more frequent. Accompanied by the development of our national economy, the enhancement of our national comprehensive strength and international status, the communication between China and the world begin to increase. Language as a communication tool plays a very important role as a bridge to narrow the gap existing among people who are from different cultures. While interpreting acts as a communicator which can help eliminate the language barriers and make the communication easy. Interpreters just like messengers who disseminate information and culture and communicate different people who are from different countries. The quality of interpreting can seriously impact the quality of communication. If the information of interpreting is correct, it will stimulate the communication, understanding and cultural dissemination. If the information of interpreting is not correct, it will lead to misunderstanding and even conflict. Interpreting is not only a useful skill but also a profound science. It includes many different types. Consecutive interpreting is a comparatively special one of them. It has long been used in international conventions. Consecutive interpreting requires interpreter switches from one language to another language in limited time by means of clear, correct and smooth speech which is supposed to reflect the main information and the attitude of the talker. It is a tough task the extent to which demands a interpreter having a high level quality and ability.By analyzing the features and strategies of consecutive interpreting, this dissertation discusses the requirements of the interpreters with an aim to provide some advices on how to improve comprehensive qualities and interpreting skills for interpreters who are working at the field of consecutive interpreting.According to the features and strategies of consecutive interpreting, the interpreters need to improve their comprehensive qualities and interpreting skills from the following aspects: Solid foundation of bilingual knowledge, it will help interpreters reduce the obstacles of understanding and improve the quality of interpreting; extensive non-language knowledge, it will help interpreters deal with a wide range of topics, perspectives from different angles and unexpected impromptu speeches; skilled interpreting skills, it will help interpreters cope with thorny interpreting problems and enhance the effectiveness of interpreting; good psychological quality, it will help interpreters surmount the nervousness and fear and improve performance; good occupation morals what is a necessary quality for interpreters; the profound cultural reserves, it will help spread the deeper meaning hid behind the information and better the communication between the spoke man and audience; enriched translation theory knowledge, it may help direct the interpreting practice and perfect the interpreting; strong mind, it can help interpreters overcome the difficulties suffering on the road of being excellent interpreters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Consecutive interpreting, Features and strategies, Requirements ofinterpreters
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