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The Flowing Trace

Posted on:2014-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J SuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425958197Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Art is a material and technique creation process. When rapid technological waysand the personalities of the artists influent to the work of art more and more innowadays, It will lead us to think about art as a whole relationship. At the same time,when painting began to display in a dynamic way, painters and people also pay moreattention to its process of operational.As animation gradually into our daily life, more and more people choose toanimation as a medium of artistic expression, especially in paintings display in anon-static way, some of them only pay attention to the painting art and display in asingle style, or too much emphasis on the language of animation technology. Most ofthe work does not combine both. This article attempts to through the painting and theart of animation language, forms, technology applications to analysis, explore andresearch the medium of painting art and features the connotation ofanimation creation, to develop animation creative new ideas and bring certain positivemeanings to enhance future animation creation.Everyone lives a different life, and the differences lead to different understandingof beauty, which is different after people seeing the same thing, in the eyes of ordinarypeople,"beauty" may be abstract and generalization of imagination, but in the eyes ofartists Sun Xun,"beauty" is a figurative expression, and always shown in his workswith extension, at the same time, better used in his creation, he shows us "beauty" in aunique way. Sun Xun combined himself with his works, but always stands outside ofhis emotions, views as an outsider to look, to think and weigh, so that he can makeshis works more close to his original thinking and ideas calmly.
Keywords/Search Tags:display in a non-static way, animation, medium
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