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Traces Of The Soul Freeze

Posted on:2014-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today entered the era of images, symbols, art categories become blurred the boundaries betweenphotography, video, multimedia technology, new artistic language has been raised for fully reflect thetraditional painting art visual center position to overturn. Painters gradually separated from the painting ’andforms of debate, they are more concerned about the work itself the expression of emotional self. Center focusfrom art form to care about social topics: sex, feminism, violence, humanity lost, and so on. Pete. Pete.Doig isamong a walk in the forefront of artists, he gave a good example: art is no longer self-indulge performanceartists, the audience "experience" is undoubtedly one of the demands of the contemporary paintings, impressedthe audience itself understanding of the work. Artists, audiences, the works of the three is an interactivecontinuum. He is in such a keen insight into the art through the channels of the new imaging technology, withthe heart to capture traces of objective things, lays out a picture of open thinking, looking for the source oftheir own memory, creative with rich emotional scene at the same time arouse the viewer’s memories, toremind people depend on the survival of the soul habitat. In this paper, Pete.Doig course works, combined withhis heart in the creation of calendar notes, recorded in the lost state of the creative process and thinkingdialogue, to find my inspiration in the creation, exploratory means to hit a common Italian state works with theaudience.
Keywords/Search Tags:the spirit of the scene, hearts, moment, freeze
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