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The Teaching Efficacy Of Russian National Chinese Teachers

Posted on:2015-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L K O S I K O V A M A R I A Full Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425496323Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Teacher’s teaching efficacy is an important aspect in the study on the quality ofteachers which can help teachers to know how to improve their ability of education andstrengthening teachers’ beliefs about success in education. Teaching efficacy will affectteacher’s work motivation, enthusiasm, teaching input level and other aspects that willultimately affect the teachers’ teaching efficacy. With the development of Chineseeducation, especially the rapid development of foreign Chinese language teachers and anincrease in the number of overseas Chinese language teachers, the quality of foreignChinese education has become the focus of attention. The Chinese teachers of Russiannationality as the research object, the teaching effectiveness of teachers of Chinese inRussia are investigated, factors that affect the teaching effectiveness of teachers ofRussian and finally puts forward measures to improve teaching efficacy of Chineseteachers of Russian nationality, measures and suggestions and hope to be able toenhance the quality ofChinese teaching in Russia.This paper is divided into fiveparts.The first part is the introduction, research and research methods to study the origin,purpose, significance, China domestic main introduced the research of teaching efficacy,draws the research topic; the second part describes the theoretical basis of this studyand introduces the research and teaching efficacy of root control point theory, Bandura’sself redemption theory, teacher development stage theory, analysis and difference inteaching effectiveness of teachers of different sense, laying the theoretical foundation forthe full text of the study; the third part is the analysis of the investigation results, theteaching effectiveness of teachers of Chinese and Russian Ross sense of on-the-spotinvestigation analysis, as a matter of fact on the basis of this study; fourth part combinedwith the research results, discussion factors affecting the teaching effectiveness ofteachers of Chinese in Russia’s feeling, especially teachers, teaching, Chinese teachingenvironment and teacher’s gender on Teachers’ teaching efficacy; finally the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese teachers, Russia, teaching efficacy, influencing factors
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