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The Relationship Between Artist And Style

Posted on:2014-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425469085Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wu Changshuo once said:"marry to self-reliance, half hard." Each of the painte wants toform their own style in painting, is extremely difficult. They are all experienced theexploration of art for many years on the road, through the influence of the previoustyle,skilled in his painting technique, can have the special influence in the contemporary art world,revered by later generations.Relationship between painting and personal style, is always a topic worth exploring.Style and painter’s mind, life experience and thoughts are closely linked, ever is not only aform of pure. Style in my opinion like we are viewing a picture, through the picture, as if wecan see the artist’s state of mind, revealing style this is the painter appear and creative style, isthe painter and the other artists have different places, have a unique (or proprietary),characteristics the stability, diversity etc..This paper mainly from the following aspects of painting technology on style, and styleof painting technology promotion: the first part generally from context of painting technologyand personal style of exposition, both are indispensable, set off each other. The second partmainly discusses the traditional painting techniques in contemporary use, including thedevelopment of cultural origin, drawing on technology trends, and pen and ink techniques ofbreakthrough and innovation, for example. Brushwork and ink method which contains fromthe ink technique, technique of writing outline shape feature of the object, the ink with ashades affordable, the beauty of the screen is beginning to take shape, and then under thebrushwork and ink method fusion, image style of beauty, vivid and wonderful aredemonstrated. The second part discusses the formation of personal style in the developmentprocess of painting techniques, in addition to the influence of painting technology, has adirect impact aesthetic taste and life experience, the formation of personal style. The thirdpart expounds the relationship between painting and painting style, also is the pen and ink"unity, become used to express their beliefs and personality artist’s symbol, is the expressionof the artist’s heart the most real. The fourth part written history the famous Chinese andforeign, and their personal style and the subjective and objective conditions. Causes the fifthchapter and the sixth chapter enumerated respectively to analyze the similarities anddifferences of famous ancient painting style. Conclusion: painting technology have a greateffect on the formation of individual style, formation of the artist’s painting style either inconception or the composition of the artist’s creative inspiration to artists, put into a specifictarget, the artist with a unique vision and perspective to observe life, then use in its own way to create a good theme, can make the painting technology have a more comprehensiveimprovement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Painting, Style, Pen, Mind
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