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The Concept Of Diversification, Diversity In The Form Of

Posted on:2014-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425469081Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since ancient times, Chinese painting, are an open stance absorb advanced movement inart, to learn the essence of national culture and the arts, broad-minded, enterprisingknowledge of the spirit to the world stage, especially Meticulous has a long and deep heritage,every stage gave us impressed brushwork figure is the most important part of the history ofChinese painting, it had a brilliant fading sight. Outlook for the new century, ChinaMeticulous figure painter, who must walk into the homes of ordinary people to find all kindsof good creative material to various painting beneficial factors into its own energy, create newworks, with a new the face is presented to the viewer. To a certain extent, the development ofbrushwork figure is bound to be the surrounding living environment and the social andcultural impact, showing a pattern of pluralism and diversity. Especially since the past two tothree years, after a lot of meticulous figure painter, who continues to explore its painting ideas,forms, tools, materials have gained great achievements brushwork figure increasingly occupyan important position to absorb careful study of traditional painting and learn from otherpaintings from mining that can allow us to learn the knowledge, not only stay in thetechniques of traditional brushwork figure, as well as bold Drawing on some elements ofChinese ink painting and Western painting concept of knowledge, the true expression of wantto express their own creative thinking, reflecting the sense of the form of the picture, makingthe work more valuable, the artists in the form of expression of the subject matter, materials,and techniques also have more new discoveries, to learn the various national culture, theessence of art, especially Chinese Painting has a long history and rich cultural heritage, stageleft a profound imprint brushwork figure creative way farther and farther, and create morefine painting, I will The following sections elaborate, from the impact of the development ofChinese brushwork figure to the concept of Western painting, to the brushwork figurepluralism and diversity awareness, and in all aspects brushwork figure reflects a wide range ofpattern and diversity in the face of a comprehensive understanding of the development ofbrushwork figure, so profoundly aware of the concept of a wide range of diversity in the formconducivetogrowingprosperitybrushworkfigure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brushwork Figure, Concept, Forms, Diversification, Diversity
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