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A Hypothetical Study Of The Fall Of Anne Boleyn

Posted on:2015-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425462673Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Tudor age was one of the most charming pieces of time in the history of England.Henr’y VIIIs second wife, Anne Boleyn was a woman right at the center of it. She wasremembered because of her involvement in the British Reformation and has becomethe focus of debates and arguments because of her dramatic and tragic end一she wasaccused of high treason because of adultery with ifve men in the court, including herown brother. She was also the ifrst Queen being publicly executed in English History.Although nearly ifve centuries have passed since her execution, the efforts inrevealing the truth and reasons behind her downfall never end.Many different hypotheses have been developed by scholars and historians to uncoverthe mystery of Anne Bole’yns death. This paper is designed to carry out a close studyof the most popular modern hypotheses which are trying to explain the cause of AnneBoleyn’s downfall. The event is not treated as a single and independent affair, but isput into the cultural, social and political backgrounds of the sixteenth century England.During the process of the paper writing, facts and evidences would be combined withexpositions and comments. The research is also carried out with new perspectives andoriginal views, which offer a refreshing inetrpretaiton of this historical event.The fall of Anne Boleyn has become a heatedly argued and debated topic among thescholars abroad. However, little attention has been paid to this issue in domesticacademic ifeld. Anne Boleyn played a signiifcant and irreplaceable role in Englishhistory. Although her life is short, it is to some extent an epitome of the Tudor courtlife. The study of her life and death would be very helpful in understanding thecultural and political characteristics of the Tudor reign. More importantly, it is fairlymeaningful to clariyf some stereotypes and misunderstandings in history and torestore the historical facts and reveal the truth to readers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII, Tudor court politics
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