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Research About Wuyue’s Aesthetic Culture

Posted on:2014-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H S WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The aesthetic culture is about the two vassal states named Wu andYue in the Spring and Autumn period. The aesthetic culture back to crown princecalled Taibo come to Wu area who is from Zhou dynasty and the Futan take theking’s place of Yue area. Then it had a big change in The Han dynasty. Wu Yue’saesthetic culture covered areas in Spring and Autumn period is equate with Jiangzheareas in today, where is rich in water and sunshine resources, it’s a beautiful place.The Unique geographical environment nourish The Unique aesthetic culture.WuYue’s aesthetic culture had special aesthetic value in their politics、thoughts、economy、culture、 reflected in their well-developed planting industry、handicraft industry、fishing industry、foundry industry and construction industry.The people lived in Wu Yue own lively character and open mind, they love music、handwriting、Chinese panting and dancing, there is the another important part of theWuYue’s aesthetic culture.This paper’s discussing way is in the angle of the regional aesthetics. Firstly,the paper expound the change of the WuYue’s aesthetic culture in the time andspace. Secondly, the paper annotate the details of the WuYue’s aesthetic culture inliterature and art、industrial art and social life. Finally, the paper summarize thecharacteristics of the WuYue’s aesthetic culture and expound the value of theculture, which in the side of politics、thoughts、economy、culture、livelihood intoday.
Keywords/Search Tags:WuYue’s aesthetic culture, regional aesthetics, Wu Ballads, Yue Dancing, WuYue sword
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